President of Indiana Covered Bridge Society Opposes Gravel Pit Proposal in Hamilton County
Andy Rebman, president of the Indiana Covered Bridge Society, expressed concerns about the Beaver gravel pit proposal next to Potter’s Bridge Park in Noblesville through a letter addressed to the Noblesville Planning Department. We are heartened that community organizations are voicing their concerns about the risks the pit proposal poses.
Learn more about the Indiana Covered Bridge Society and their preservation work on Facebook. His letter is quoted below.
The Indiana Covered Bridge Society visit Potter’s Bridge in April 2022
Esteemed Members of the Hamilton County Planning Commission:
I am Andy Rebman, President of the Indiana Covered Bridge Society, and I am writing today regarding the proposed Beaver Gravel Pit near the Potter’s Bridge Park.
I am opposed to the rezoning of the 50-acre parcel from R2 to R5 classification. My concern is what the gravel pit will do to the peaceful surroundings of the park and the Potter’s Covered Bridge itself. Potter’s Bridge Park is a very nice park setting that allows people that have limited mobility to park in a safe area and not worry about traffic or uneven ground. With the gravel pit in the area, the increased truck traffic, noise, and dust will take away from the park. I fear this will make traveling to the bridge even more dangerous and frustrating for people to visit.
I also have concerns about dust and vibrations. With all the heavy equipment involved in a gravel pit, it could have negative effects on the bridge. Vibrations on a covered bridge are bad, as it can lead to unnecessary stress on the truss members. If the stress occurs long enough, it could cause the collapse of the bridge. Dust can lead to a deterioration of the paint on the bridge and result in an unsightly bridge and more frequent cleaning or painting of the siding of the bridge.
I ask that the council please take my views and those of others into account when discussing and deciding on this rezoning request. I would like to share the Potter’s Bridge Park with many visitors for years to come.
Enclosed is a picture of the Society visiting the Potter’s Covered Bridge during our 2022 Spring Tour of the area.
Thank you for your time and consideration
Andy Rebman
President, Indiana Covered Bridge Society